December 5, 2019
Call for Nominations: National Council 2020-2022
The Zeta Tau Alpha Nominating Committee is preparing a slate of qualified nominees to serve as members of National Council for the 2020–2022 biennium. The committee invites all members to provide input for this process. The election will take place at Convention 2020 in Atlanta.
The following officers comprise the slate:
- National President
- Vice President Collegiate I
- Vice President Collegiate II
- Vice President Collegiate III
- Vice President Alumnae I
- Vice President Alumnae II
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Extension Director
- National Panhellenic Conference Delegate
Nominees must possess the following qualifications:
- Belief in sisterhood and a commitment to ZTA’s heritage
- Talent as an effective administrator, as well as an effective motivator
- Critical thinking skills, including the ability to define problems, evaluate solutions, establish priorities and make decisions
- Availability to travel as needed, to communicate by phone and email daily, and to commit time to necessary administrative work.
Each nomination should include:
- Explanation of why the candidate would be well-suited for the office
- Pertinent ZTA information including: collegiate chapter; alumnae chapter; collegiate and alumnae positions held, such as advisor, house corporation or association officer, Province President or District President, etc.
Zeta Tau Alpha members who wish to submit names to the committee should send their nominations by Feb. 1, 2020, to:
Katharine Benzini Stampe
Nominating Committee Chairman
6323 Warm Mist Lane
Dallas, TX 75248-3951