FHC Names New VP Construction
The officers of the ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation have voted to appoint Kris Fleming (Eta Theta Chapter, Missouri University of Science and Technology) as Vice President Construction.
Ms. Fleming served as an FHC Director from 2016 to 2018 and has been a member of the Construction Committee since 2018.
“Kris is a tireless, dedicated team member who has successfully guided some of our largest housing projects with a close attention to detail,” said Fraternity Housing Corporation President Dinah Jackson Laughery. “We all have great confidence in her abilities and know she will thrive in her new responsibilities.”
In her former FHC roles, Ms. Fleming managed the construction of new houses for Alpha Psi Chapter (University of Missouri) and Alpha Zeta Chapter (The Ohio State University) as well the current construction of a new house for Iota Phi Chapter (North Carolina State University) and major renovations for Alpha Gamma Chapter (University of Michigan) and Lambda Beta Chapter (University of Rhode Island).
Her service to ZTA also includes time on the Chapter Financial Management Committee from 2008 to 2018, multiple offices in the St. Louis, MO Alumnae Chapter and advisor roles with Eta Theta Chapter as well as Kappa Omega Chapter (Saint Louis University) and Theta Kappa Chapter (University of Missouri-St. Louis.) She received the ZTA Certificate of Merit in 2002 and her Honor Ring in 2014.
The appointment fills a vacancy created by the passing of Leah Fields Ozment on Aug. 18, 2020