
Remembering Stacy Froschauer
With great sadness, we share with longtime National Officer and ZTA volunteer Stacy Froschauer passed away today, Jan. 29, in Dallas, Texas, after a long-term illness. She was 51.
Stacy had been a member of the Chapter Financial Management Committee since 2018 and was also currently serving as Treasurer of the Denton, Texas Alumnae Chapter and Financial Advisor for Gamma Phi Chapter (University of North Texas.)
She was initiated into Alpha Kappa Chapter (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) in 1988 and received the Certificate of Merit and the Honor Ring of Zeta Tau Alpha in 2008.
Her dedication to ZTA included serving as Province President XV-A from 2004 to 2007; as an advisor to Gamma Phi Chapter and Zeta Sigma Chapter (The University of Texas at Arlington); as an officer in the Denton and Mid-Cities, Texas and Springfield, Illinois Alumnae Chapters; and as secretary of the Alpha Kappa Chapter Local House Corporation. At her passing, she was a member of the Denton, Mid-Cities and Memphis, Tennessee Alumnae Chapters, as well as ZTAlways.
“Stacy was a wonderful volunteer who was consistently involved,” said Secretary-Treasurer Shannon Ferguson. “She exemplified our Key Value of Loyalty and Commitment in everything she did.”
Stacy worked as a pharmacist at the Baylor Medical Center in Irving, Texas. She is survived by her father, Gene Froschauer, as well as her brother, Trevor Froschauer, his wife, Jackie, and their three children. Stacy will be interred in her hometown of Springfield, Illinois.
Zetas who wish to remember Stacy may send condolences to International Office:
1036 S. Rangeline Rd
Carmel, IN 46032