Updates to National Leadership Conference

As part of National Council’s greater vision for ZTA’s leadership programs, there will be some changes to National Leadership Conference this summer. The following outlines the new developments as we say farewell to National Leadership Conference, and look forward to Emerging Leaders Academy: Seek Greatness and National Officer Academy.

Collegiate Program Name
National Leadership Conference will now be called Emerging Leaders Academy: Seek Greatness. This name reflects the key update to the event—that collegiate attendees will be emerging leaders within their chapters. No specific officers will be asked to attend. All attendees will be identified through an application process with their Collegiate National Officer. This way, ZTA will train more leaders and impact different people than those who attend OLA.

National Officer Academy Timing
National Officer Academy will start on Thursday and run concurrently to the collegiate program. National Officers will be asked to arrive Wednesday evening to start training Thursday morning. This will allow for more training time while also giving you the opportunity to take fewer days off work—something we know you’ve been asking for.

Collegiate Program Facilitators
Because National Officer Academy will run concurrently, we will use non-National Officer facilitators for the collegiate program. Applications for interested Zetas will go out in the next few weeks. These women can be from higher education, education or other fields with facilitation experience. We are looking for new faces to allow for more alumnae volunteer opportunities and an additional way to identify rising National Officers.

New Historical & Educational Center
We will unveil the Historical & Educational Center at International Office during ELA. This will include a special Donor Reception on Wednesday night, a brunch and tour for National Officers on Thursday morning, and tours for collegians as they arrive Thursday.

Meals at ELA
Collegiate National Officers will be able to spend some time with their Provinces or chapters during meals. We will continue to do meal seating cards so it will be easy to find your place at every meal. Meals will become more casual with a head table only during Crown Chapter dinner, which will continue to be a celebration but may look different this year.

We hope this gives you a preview of what to expect for this summer’s program. If you have questions regarding ELA, please reach out to your National Council contact.

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