Zetas visit Capitol Hill virtually
The Fraternal Government Relations Coalition (FGRC) is a nonpartisan coalition formed by the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), the Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee and the Fraternity and Sorority Action Fund to work collaboratively on federal government relations issues that impact the fraternity and sorority community. Each year FGRC provides the opportunity for collegiate sorority and fraternity members to directly engage in the federal legislative process by lobbying on issues of importance to our community.
This year’s visits took place virtually April 13-15, 2021. Check out what our members and volunteers had to say about the experience!

Anne Bowen
Gamma Chi Chapter (Indiana State University)
It was an honor to serve as a student lobbyist with the FGRC. I wanted to participate in this program because I believe in the fraternity/sorority community and love the experiences higher education provides. During the Capitol Hill visits, I was able to speak about anti-hazing legislation and freedom of association rights with congressional staff members and attend a meeting with Senator Mike Braun. I cannot thank ZTA and the FGRC enough for their support and for the unique opportunity to work closely with the ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation Vice President of Operations, Casey Guimbellot Pash, during the virtual visits

Grace Garbe
Delta Chi Chapter (William Jewell College)
I was instantly excited when my advisor told me about the virtual Capitol Hill visits. I had taken a lobbying course and lobbied before. Going into the visits, I was unsure how lobbying would work over Zoom or how receptive the politicians would be, but the FRGC did an amazing job training us and giving us great one-pagers to make sure we were prepared. It was very fulfilling to be able to advocate for other fraternity and sorority members all over the country. These visits are vital in making sure that women all over the country can have a positive sorority experience.

Alice McCann Mathews
Former National President
I led Georgia’s Team 16 this year, which included a ZTA, a Pi Kappa Alpha and a Phi Delta Theta from three different universities in middle and south Georgia. Through the years, I have been so impressed with the passion and purpose students bring to the table when communicating the importance of the issues. This year’s discussions centered on freedom of association and eradicating hazing. As an alumna participant, I introduced the group and our purpose and let the students do the “heavy lifting” with bill details. They were well received for being prepared and knowledgeable about the issues, presenting a compelling case.

Rachel Mikowski
Delta Lambda Chapter (Georgia State University)
As a political science student not wanting to be a lawyer, lobbying is at the top of my list for prospective careers. When I heard about the FGRC student lobbying opportunity, I knew I had to apply. Meeting with staffers on the Hill and advocating for the community that has given me so much was a rewarding experience. I feel that as collegians, we get stuck within our campuses and don't realize the larger actors in play working on our behalf. It was so humbling to see the fraternity/sorority network working to preserve what has been a large part of my college experience.

Casey Guimbellot Pash
FHC Vice President Operations
I was fortunate to be able to represent ZTA and the FHC and lead a student delegation from Indiana during the Hill visits this year. The collegians were passionate to share their stories of why our organizations are important with their congressional representatives and senators. The Hill visits always remind me that the collective voice of the fraternity/sorority community has an important impact. When we work together, it gives our message even more power.

Hannah Thomas
Zeta Gamma Chapter (Youngstown State University)
Being a student lobbyist is one of my favorite memories as a Zeta! I wanted to participate in the Capitol Hill visits this year because it is important to use our voices as sorority women and Zetas to promote issues that matter to our community and protect the fraternity/sorority experience. I loved being able to connect with members from other organizations and learn more about legislation. These visits truly exemplify that ZTA extends so much further than our home chapters on our college campuses.

Hannah Uschock
Zeta Beta Chapter (Thiel College)
I am so grateful for my experience representing ZTA during the virtual Capitol Hill visits. Working together with other fraternities and sororities to further our mission of ending hazing and protecting our right to exist has been a high point of my experience as a Zeta. I have never felt more pride in Zeta Tau Alpha before explaining its purpose to our nation’s leaders. I hope to be able to participate in these visits in person in Washington, D.C. next spring.

Madelyn Wilson
Delta Omicron Chapter (Lenoir-Rhyne University)
I wanted to participate in the Capitol Hill visits this year because I am passionate about the fraternity/sorority life experience and wanted to advocate for students’ right to freedom of association. After seeing universities in my state create policies that negatively impacted the existence of our organizations, I knew it was important to become an advocate for this cause. I really enjoyed gaining insight into the Collegiate Freedom of Association Act and am honored to have had the opportunity to champion the value of membership in single-sex social organizations.