ZTA communication efforts receive recognition

Zeta Tau Alpha was honored with four awards during the 2020 Fraternity Communications Association (FCA) Awards Presentation.

First place, Excellence in Digital Marketing

The Today & Forever Alumnae Survey campaign brought home the top spot in this category, which can only be won once in a three-year period.

Judges said, "There were so many engaging elements of this campaign. 1) The pre-launch "hype video" was perfect for the social platform, folding in popular GIFs to attract the eye while keeping the content informative yet short. 2) I can appreciate the drip and action-based email approach as to not overwhelm alumnae who have already engaged in the survey. 3) Great work on the kit for ZLAMbassadors. They seemed to be chock full of detail and clearly well thought out."

First place, Publication Improvement – Printed

The Alumna Initiate Guide was previously a simple word document, and was transformed into a beautifully printed, engaging booklet. Judges praised its transformation, "From a dead text document to a warm, living, fun document that brings the reader into the fold."

Third place, Printed Materials – Educational

The Emerging Leaders Academy workbook was praised for being, "very well organized, with clear content and nice spaces for writing down information."

Third place, eNewsletter

The brand-new Quarterly Alumnae Newsletter launched in September 2019 after the results of the first-ever Alumnae Survey showed that ZTA alumnae would like to hear more from us. We didn't need to be told twice, and the newsletter received recognition from judges for filling that need.


FCA brings fraternity/sorority headquarters communication staff and volunteers together for education, recognition and networking opportunities. Congrats to our fellow interfraternal friends who also took home awards!

Outstanding Alumna

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