Delegates at the 1903 ZTA Convention voted to launch an official Fraternity journal. In November 1903, the first Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha premiered in newspaper format and it has been published continuously since then. Today's magazine is shared with nearly 105,000 members and friends.
Nora Nell Hardy Jackson: 50 years of service and counting For Nora Nell, serving ZTA is a family affair. Read about her incredible service, which has spanned half a century, as well as that of her mother and daughter.
"I love you sister, but and..." Check out how three sisters use ZTA values to guide their interactions within ZTA chapters and in their personal and professional lives.
Noble Achievements Our members are doing amazing things within ZTA and in their communities. Read how these women are making ZTA proud.
Road trip to ZTA landmarks Planning a summer vacation in or near Virginia? Visit ZTA landmarks in Farmville and Charlotte Court House along the way!